In loving memory of Daniel J. Cahill Jr. 7-7-1932 to 2-25-1988
This archived post was written for Dad. Today would have been his 78th Birthday.
I thought it was a good time to share this post with all of you again. I will be going fishing in 23 days with my brothers, my son and a good friend. Dad I know you will be with us. I love you! -Kirk-
Some day I will have to do some digging to find the video tape my mother has of me opening my first tackle box. It was filmed on an old super 8 movie camera with no sound, but yes, it's in color and I'm not that old. Mom later converted all our movies on to video and added some cheesy background music to them. I haven't watched them for quite awhile, and I think it's time to entertain Shirley and Bryan with a night at the old house, watching some classic movies of a kindergarten kid in checkered (or were they striped?) pants.
The tackle box was made by Plano, a dark green hard plastic, with one white tray, and a clasp at the front . I sat on the patio and opened it up, remembering to this day the items inside. There was a new Zebco 202 reel, a hand held gray telescope, a few Mr. Twister spinner packages, and a couple of beetle spins. Also included were a package of red and white bobbers and some Eagle Claw hooks. By the look on my face in the video, and the shaking of my arms up and down, (with lures in hand) you would've thought that my parents just gave me the world. I wasn't aware of it at young age of five or six, but they did just that.
Thirty seven years later, on the 22ND anniversary of my fathers passing, I find myself thinking of that little green tackle box and all that was given to me inside. It was full of so much more! Items can be lost, worn out, or replaced, but the memories of that moment and the ones that were created from it, will be a part of me forever.
My father was the son of a Chicago fireman and a loving mother. Born, lived, and raised on the city's northwest side. He was a devoted husband, a dedicated father, an administer in education. Dad was a goofball most of the time, a trait that I seem to have inherited for the better. He coached our baseball teams, drove us around in his "taxi" to all our school events, games, and jobs. He made it to all his school meetings and functions, and yet it still seemed as though he was always there to coach a game, help you with homework, watch a fishing show, or take you where you needed to go. I have had three kids. Two are Shirley's and both are now in their twenty's and my son Bryan who is eight. I can't even begin to imagine having five. I know that I am a good father, and I will thank him, and mom always, for teaching me that.
So here I sit at 42 on the threshold of starting a new business. One which will incorporate so much of what my father was all about. Hopefully giving back to others and my son, all that has been given to me. I want Cast Across America to be just like that little green tackle box. Those of you who are drawn to it and open it up will find so much more than the content we put inside. The relationships that we'll make together, the fun events and clubs that we'll share. The strengthening of family values, and the education of fishing to our fans, no matter what age. I'd like to dedicate the blog from this day forward to dad, for sharing with me all the things that I found inside that little green tackle box.
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