Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Touch of Fall

It is hard to believe that the beginning of September has crept upon us, but it is definitely here to stay. Most of the kids are back in school and the rest of them will be starting next week. I wish all of the students a good start to the new school year, and continued success throughout the coming months. Football practice has begun in our high schools and many have already played their first games of the new season. The sounds of the Big Ten (or is it 12?) and MAC conference marching bands will be filling college stadiums on saturday afternoons. Fall has arrived.

A Canadian goose (although he probably resides right here in Elgin, IL) just flew past the back window and reminded me that no matter what the outside temps are reading, nature instinctively knows that fall is approaching. Shorter days (and hopefully) cooler nights will bring brilliant colors to our north woods, delicious apples ready for picking, and golden sunsets across the farm fields of the midwest.

The waters of our lakes and streams will start to cool from the hot summer days and the fish who reside in them will put on their feed bags to store much-needed fat for the coming winter. A doe will stop at a trickling stream to take a drink, but only for a moment, as a buck chases her back into the thicket. Squirrels are busy running up and down the oak trees, gathering and storing acorns for the long winter ahead. It is a busy time of the year for everyone.

I am looking forward to the coming fall. My son Bryan is back in school and will have too much homework to tell me that he is bored. Shirley, my wife, will be working more hours than she can handle between all her jobs. My time will be spent continuing to look for a job, coaching youth basketball, playing chauffeur, and fishing.

If you haven’t gone fishing in a while, now is the time to do so. After the last holiday weekend of the summer, the lakes will be clear of the pleasure boats and the fisherman will return for a good chance at a trophy. Some of the best fishing of the year will take place in the next couple of months. Salmon will return to the spawning areas to complete their life cycle, crappies will school up in big numbers making themselves easy to locate with your electronics. Walleye will be on the move and willing to bite again in your favorite rivers. Of course the classic musky period known as “the fall bite” will quickly be here. Large and small mouth bass will reach maximum weights before the icy water temps arrive. So grab your gear and go fishing.

Shirley and I will be traveling up to Vilas Co. WI to give her some needed rest and relaxation. Morning walks with Scruffy, our jack russel terrier will be first on the list, followed by some afternoon sightseeing for fall colors. Maybe even a little evening crappie fishing might also be on tap. Please don’t tell Shirley about the crappie fishing…it’s a surprise. I hope everyone has a fantastic fall fishing season and I look forward to posting more articles from my future trips in the weeks ahead. Remember, you can’t catch any fish if your line isn’t in the water!

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